Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Assignment 1-3-5 Written Analyses Analysis 4

Assignment 1-3-5
Written Analyses
Analysis 4

Bob Marley’s Formulas
Formula is a process which is developed and characterized through conventions and inventions. Conventional formula is standardized formula which has predictable outcome. On the other hand inventional formula doesn’t have predictable outcome. Bob Marley’s life was combination of both formulas. Marley was an unbelievable man who shared his music with the world. Through the music he showed his emotions, believes and wishes, which were his formulas to reach hearts of the people. He was able to gain the attention of people from all walks of life by showing his love. He putted his country and his people on the top with his inspirational music and his work. His inventional formula and unique restful melodies made him one of a kind called “The First Third World Superstar”.
Marley’s formula was hard work, dedication, sincerity, and self-expression through his lyrics. The message behind his music is very clear because it shows Marley’s heart. Whatever he wanted to say, he said through his lyrics, which were very powerful. His life and his work were characterized through inventional and sometimes conventional formula because it showed his reality. Marley’s life was tough and inventional because he shaped the route of his life. On the other hand his life and work was conventional because he had influence on many people in a good way. All his life he was trying to make the world as better place and even he knew that it’s hard, he believed he can influence on it. His best quality was his awareness because he was aware of reality where the world is, therefore he wanted to do something good in order to unite people in one love, as his lyrics says, “One love, one heart, let's stay together and feel all right”. People became his followers by recognizing themselves in his lyrics which were inspiration to do good and to fight for the rights of justice. Marley was a warrior who was fighting through unpredictable life in order to achieve greatness. He made an impact on society by being their example and role model, and because of that he was recognized for his outstanding contribution to his country's culture.
The insights that I gain from Bob Marley’s formula are his dedication and awareness. Even the life is not easy we need to fight and to dedicate ourselves to achieve our goals. In order to progress in our lives, we need to be positive and optimistic as Bob Marley.

Baecher, G. (n.d.). Robert Nesta Marley: The man, the myth, the messenger. Retrieved from

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